Advance your degree to reach your career goals! Through education and service the University of Medical Sciences Arizona is committed to providing graduate healthcare degrees to improve an individual’s quality of life.
Graduate asynchronous healthcare degree programs that are designed for the working professional. Earn a doctoral degree without having to reduce your work hours! Degree offerings include 100% online programs and programs that require on campus time for labs. Programs are student centered and have a focus on developing and enhancing patient/client centered care through its educational objectives.
We are dedicated to making higher education affordable. Our programs are designed for the working professional in that it allows you to continue working while earning your degree. The number of courses you wish to take per semester is dependent upon your schedule as there is no requirement to take a minimum number of courses each semester. Therefore, your budget can determine how many courses you take a semester which will then determine how long it will take you to complete the program.
International students are welcome! We’ve welcomed students from around the world and would love to have you join our student body. Our Admissions Team is available to assist you through the process should you have any questions. Please click here to get a full list of the admissions criteria.
We have three semesters – Fall (begins August of each year), Spring (begins January of each year), and Summer (begins May of each year). We accept applications throughout the year and because we teach asynchronously, you can commence your education with us at the beginning of any semester.
Feel like your work and life schedule is to busy and that you will be unable to earn a degree? Check out our online flexible programs as they may be the answer to your dilemma. Read more for deadlines and admission criteria.
At the University of Medical Sciences Arizona, our faculty foster a learning environment that is both engaging and enriching. Our virtual and “in-classroom” classes encourage students to enter invigorating discussions. The classroom activities help students to put into practice the lessons learned and to become clinicians that are leaders, scholars, and advanced in their clinical skills.